Procedures, standards, and drawings can be added edited into Builder. URL links can be  entered or select to upload files using the drag and drop file feature used to upload a document.

Login to Onplan Builder, navigate to the Main Menu, and click on  Data Admin>Procedures to navigate to the list of available procedures. Procedures can be categorised as a drawing, procedure or standard.

To add a new procedure, click on and the Add Procedure pop-up window is displayed.

Enter the information using the following guide:

DescriptionEnter the description for the procedure.  

Click on the Type dropdown and select the Procedure type from the list including

  • Drawing (site or OEM drawing reference)
  • Procedure (Standard site procedures)
  • Standard (ISO, AS, ASNZS, etc recognised standards)

Click on   to add the new entry to the list.

Note: Use the search feature by clicking in  and entering related text.  It is good for finding if like information exists before creating new entries.