New OnPlan Features  

FMECA Image Upload 

Images can now be uploaded directly from the FMECA importer. From the PM task editor, download the new template file which now includes an 'Image URLs' column. This column accepts a comma separated list of URLs.

Work instruction steps generated from FMECAs with image URLs will automatically contain the FMECA's images.

PM Task Synchronisation
We’ve added an option to enable two-way synchronisation between WIN Builder Job Steps and PM Task Editor, allowing updates in either to reflect in both places, including text formatting. This functionality can enhance your workflow by ensuring consistency across your systems. Contact your account manager to enable this setting.

Information only steps
This new feature allows certain steps in a work order to be marked as "Information Only," meaning they provide information but don't require completion. This enhancement helps streamline workflows by allowing steps that don't require action to be easily identified and bypassed, without affecting the overall completion of the work order

  • When the "Information Only Steps" setting is enabled, a new Information Only checkbox is added to each step in the WIN Builder, located below the existing Allow additional details in OnPlan App checkbox.

  • This checkbox is only selectable if the WIN contains at least two steps, ensuring that work orders with only one "Information Only" step cannot be created. This prevents the work order from being completed as soon as it’s opened.


These steps will display a "Continue" button instead of the usual "Done" and "Not Done" options, allowing users to move forward without marking the step as complete.

Work order reports display an "Information Only" badge for these steps, distinguishing them from actionable steps.

"Output with Zones" Enhancement for WIN Builder

This new option allows documents to be generated based on the zones assigned to each operation

For example, when you enable the "Output with Zones" checkbox, the WIN Builder will produce multiple documents, each corresponding to the specific zones assigned to the operations within the work instruction. Each document outputs with a unique name, making it easier to manage and distribute zone-specific documentation. This functionality mirrors the way zones are handled within the app and provides greater flexibility in document management.

Read-Only User Group

We have added a 'read only' user group designed for users that may need to view data within OnPlan, without making any changes. Users assigned to this group can access the following areas:

  • Work Orders
  • Defects
  • Hazards
  • Limit Data
  • Structural Inspection Data
  • Work Order Surveys
  • Profile Information

Zoomable Photos in Job Reports
A new enhancement to the Job Report feature that allows you to zoom in on photos directly within the report. Whether you're using the OnPlan App or Builder, you can now click on any photo to zoom in and examine the details more closely.

Configurable Task Types for PM and Strategy Tasks
This feature provides you with the freedom to assign Task Types more dynamically, enabling better alignment with your maintenance strategies and operational needs. You can now easily set a Task Type to function as both a PM Task and a Strategy Task Default, eliminating the need for workarounds or the creation of duplicate Task Types.

WIN Builder Step Pagination

A new WIN builder feature that enhances performance by allowing users to dynamically load additional steps in large WINs. 


This improves efficiency and navigation for complex jobs with many steps, making it easier to manage detailed tasks.

We hope these updates will enhance your experience and bring added value to your operations. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.