OnPlan Builder Features 

Our team has been busy creating enhancements to OnPlan (thank you for providing your input toward these improvements). We are excited to introduce the following features: 

Document Approval Workflow 

New to Builder WIN versioning and a refined document approval workflow 

We have refreshed the DMS (document management system) to ensure a smoother workflow for WIN authors creating a WIN, and having it reviewed (Red-pen, rejected/approved) we hope these are useful additions.  

Once a document is approved it is now locked to prevent accidental editing, the operations can still be expanded to view limits/step instructions as per standard. However, it adds an extra layer of protection. To edit an approved document, simply select ‘Unlock WIN’ which will set the WIN back to status ‘In-Progress. 


If a WIN has been approved previously but is currently In-Progress, e.g. V1 document is approved and V2 is In-Progress. A ‘Pending Changes’ icon will appear next to the document to signify that there is an approved version of this task that a work order can be created from and differentiate between a regular In-Progress document with no approved versions.  


Approved Versions enable you to track and view previous versions of an approved document. This is especially useful with approved documents in use within the App as you can now edit a V2 version of the document while the V1-approved document version is in use on App. 




Frequency Offsets (8 Step Servicing) 

PM Task Editor now has the ability to set frequency offsets to utilize 8 step servicing principles and make the durations of your servicing more consistent.  

Navigating to a Model > Selecting ‘Switch to PM Task Editor’ > Import Tasks displays the new column for ‘Frequency Offset’ values to be set. 





 After importing the load sheet and generating PM Tasks the documents are generated with respect to the offset that was set for each frequency. The offset will change what task the first occurrence of a job step will appear in, for exampleif a job step with an 8-week frequency has an offset of –4 weeks, it will first appear in the 4-week task then every 8 weeks after that, i.e. the 12-week task, 20-week task, 28-week task, etc. 


Work Order Zones 

The new zoning functionality enables users to mark specific sections or zones within a work order directly within the WIN Builder interface at a job operation level.  
By assigning a unique Zone ID to each designated operation, users can precisely allocate tasks and responsibilities across different technicians with unparalleled ease and precision.  

  • To add a zone, navigate to Operations > Zone > New. 

  • To assign a Zone to an Operation, navigate to the WIN Select Options > Select ‘Edit Details’ then select a Zone from the dropdown. 

  • Schematics/ Zones: visually inspect areas of large machines undergoing maintenance by viewing related images within the Work Order interface.  
    Navigate to Task list Screen > Select Task > Edit> Task Grouping > upload image. 

  • Attach User(s) to Zones in Work order: Upon creating a work order, users can designate technicians to specific zones within the work area. 
    Navigate to Work Order Page > New > Fill out mandatory fields 
    Note: If there are any unassigned zones, then all users of the work order will be able to see those operations. 


Addendum (PDF) 

This enhancement comes with notable benefits, particularly in situations where proof of documentation is required. For instance, you can now effortlessly attach certification reports from third-party auditors, affirming the safety of specific machines for work. 

You can now easily upload files, such as PDF documents or photos, directly to work orders from either the work order page or the work order on the App.  

  • Navigate to the Work Orders Page > New > Choose File 


New Work Order Statuses (Abandon, Awaiting Markup 

Two new statuses have been introduced to OnPlan ‘Awaiting Markup’ & ‘Abandoned.  

Awaiting Markup is a new Work Order status for Sites that have ‘Two-stage review’ approval enabled. This then makes Work Orders follow the approval process of ‘Not Started’ > ‘In-Progress’ > ‘Awaiting Markup’ > ‘Awaiting Approval’ > ‘Approved’. 

We have included the ability to have Abandoned work orders to differentiate old incomplete work orders (this status only appears in the Work Order status filters if the setting is enabled / Work Orders have been manually set as abandoned) 

This feature can be manually used by selecting a Work Order that is no longer required and selecting ‘edit’ -> then selecting the ‘Set Status to Abandoned’ checkbox.  



Alternatively, select ‘Advanced settings’ then search for ‘Abandoned’ then select ‘Edit’ and click the drop-down to view the options. Please note ‘Disabled’ is the default option howeveryou can set the preferred abandoned duration from 1-24 weeks 



After selecting the preferred timeframe all Work Orders that have been inactive in that period will transition automatically to status ‘Abandoned’.  

Revert Job Status 

Completed Work Orders can now be reverted to a prior status by user role 'Admin' allowing supervisor's or managers to manually revert the status of the Work Order so that technicians / crew members can recomplete any required work. 


To revert the Work Order status, select  on the row of a Work Order with status 



 'Complete' then select    for the Work Order to return to the previous status. 





Work Order Surveys 

New to Builder reporting Work Order Completion Surveys. Capturing insights of crew feedback about completing Work Instructions providing a very useful tool for continuous improvement.  

Reporting > Work Order Surveys contains a list of all crew feedback left at the end when completing a Work Order. Columns Completeness, Quality, Safety are measured on a 5-star scale with 5 being the highest rating and 1 being the lowest. 


 Tool Instances 

New to Builder Tool Instances and Inspections, providing a tool instance register to easily check out tools to crew members and conduct tool inspections with a log of all inspections and relevant certificates.  

Select the 'Tool Instances' Tab to navigate to the Tool Instances page where Instances can be created, edited and managed. Tool Instances can also have associated tool inspection frequency's to ensure that the tool has been inspected / calibrated as required. 


To add a new Tool Instance, click on and the Create Instance pop-up window is displayed. Enter a Tool Instance Number, Tool and any other relevant fields.  




To add a Tool Inspection Frequency to the Tool Instance click on  and the Create Tool Inspection Requirements pop-up window is displayed then select an Inspection Type (Inspection / Calibration), Inspection Description and Frequency (days) then select . 



Each Tool Instance with an associated Tool Inspection Frequency can be inspected by a technician to calibrate / inspect the Tool Instance. The recorded Tool Inspection then remains on the Tool Inspection tab to be able to view / audit at a later date. 


To record a new inspection / test select the Tool Instance row then  and the Record Inspection pop-up window is displayed. Select the technician that is inspecting from the inspected by drop-down, then enter the inspection type (calibration / inspection) and inspected at date along with any other relevant fields then select . 




Tool Inspections 


Select the 'Tool Inspections' tab to view and manage all Tool Inspections, the page can filter by Tools, Date Inspected From & To along with specific searches using the search field. Tool Inspections are displayed in the list from technicians performing the scheduled inspections (based off the inspection frequency and inspection status displaying Overdue, Not Yet Due and Due next two weeks).  


To edit a Tool Inspection first select the row then  and the Edit Inspection pop-up window is displayed. Inspected By, Inspection Type and Inspected at can all be edited from this window. A certificate image / PDF can also be uploaded along with any notes in the Note box, after all edits are complete select . 





 OnPlan App Features 

Work Order Zones 
In the Job lobby, the Crew section displays crew names and zones that have been assigned to the work order. The technician can view only the operations that have been assigned to them within the Work Order. 

Addendum (PDF) 

Viewing attached appendix files to the work order can be done from the report by selecting ‘View File’.  


Additionally, you can replace or attach a new one from within a Work Order in the app by selecting the ‘:’ >‘Attach Addendum’. 
Note: Only one file upload per work order is permitted. 
During this period, we also fixed a few miscellaneous Builder and App bugs. 


Please contact the OnPlan team for any questions.