Hardware or Network Item


Client computers

IBM Compatible Desktop or laptop PC

Operating system

Windows 10 / Windows 11

Computer CPU

Intel or AMD processor with a CPU benchmark greater that 5,000 as defined by https://www.cpubenchmark.net/.

Computer memory

8GB of RAM (16GB recommended)

Monitor resolution

Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher at 100% scaling. Dual screens are recommended to increase efficiency.

Hard drive space

10GB or more of available HDD space.

Minimum Internet connection

Bandwidth of 2Mb/s or greater and 200ms latency or less.

Recommended Internet connection

Bandwidth of 8Mb/s or greater and less than 100ms latency.

Browser Requirements

Google’s Chrome browser version 75 or later 

Microsoft Edge Chromium version 80 or later

WebGL enabled and Disable3DAPI=false set to use 3D images

Note: Internet Explorer and legacy versions of Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) are not supported.

URL White-listing

Users will need to access to the following URL’s to use the OnPlan Builder and App

https://*.onplan.app / 





Anti-malware and anti-virus whitelisting

Some corporate anti-virus and anti-malware applications automatically lock and scan internet downloads. This can affect downloading of MS Word documents from OnPlan. It is recommended that https://builder.onplan.app/ is whitelisted for MS Word downloads to avoid this issue.