Work orders are typically added from Builder Job Management, they can also be added directly in the mobile app. 

Click   to display the Add Work Order pop-up window.

NOTE: Builder has a configuration option to whether new work orders can be added in the mobile app. See your system administrator if this option needs to be switched on.

Complete Work Order details in the following steps.  Lists are filter based on the previous selection.

  1. Tap on the Work Order box and enter the number assigned using the keypad.
  2. Select the site by tapping on Select a Site to display a list of available sites. Scroll the list or enter text to limit the list, then tap on the applicable site.
  3. Select the asset by tapping on Search or enter Asset Name/Number/FLOC. Scroll the list or enter text to limit the list, then tap on the applicable asset.
  4. Select the task by tapping on Select a Task to display a list of available tasks. Scroll the list or enter text to limit the list, then tap on the applicable task.
  5.  Select the Work Order Type by tapping on Search or enter a Work Order Type to display a list of available options, then tap on the applicable Type.
  6. Select the user by tapping on Enter One or More Users to display a list of available sites.
  7. The Schedule For date will default to today. Tap on the date to bring up the calendar to select a different date.

Tap on   to add the Work Order to the list.