Builder has a number of advanced setting which effects the way the system manages displays data and features. The advanced settings are in the Administration Settings Menu. When a user wants to turn a setting on, select the setting, click edit, then change the value from disabled to enabled. Below is a summary of the key features available. 

Mobile job operationColour for mobile job operation cardChange the colour of the operation
Fixed Plant job operationColour for fixed plant job operation cardChange the colour of the operation
Global Mobile job operationColour for global mobile job operation cardChange the colour of the operation
Global Fixed Plant job operationColour for global fixed plant job operation cardChange the colour of the operation
Both Mobile and Fixed Plant job operationColour for both mobile and fixed plant job operation cardChange the colour of the operation
Global both Mobile and Fixed Plant job operationColour for global both mobile and fixed plant job operation cardChange the colour of the operation
Default Operation LimitNew operations will default to the selected limits valueSet the default limit to be used on each job step (checkbox, pass/fail, list, etc.)
Editor ToolbarEnable / Disable step instruction editor toolbarTurn the job step text editor toolbar on or off
Not StartedStatus label and colour for "Not Started" work instructionsEdit the WIN/Document status wording and colour.
In ProgressStatus label and colour for "In Progress" work instructionsEdit the WIN/Document status wording and colour.
Draft CompleteStatus label and colour for "Draft Complete" work instructionsEdit the WIN/Document status wording and colour.
Level 1 ReviewStatus label and colour for "Level 1 Review" work instructionsEdit the WIN/Document status wording and colour.
Level 2 ReviewStatus label and colour for "Level 2 Review" work instructionsEdit the WIN/Document status wording and colour.
ApprovedStatus and colour for "Approved" work instructionsEdit the WIN/Document status wording and colour.
Default 'Show Templates' ToggleToggle 'Show Templates' switchSets the default to show or not show the list of library Equipment/Models
Task EditingEnable Task Editing from within Asset NavigationAllows tasks to be created against assets. Typically enabled for fixed plant.
Enable Dynamic Hazard CreationEnable hazard advice creation from the advice menu on work instruction.Allows for creation of hazards and controls from the job step.
Allow Work Order management in KrackOnToggle Work Order creation with KrackOnAllows work orders to be added directly in the app.
Make allocating Owners to Strategy Tasks mandatory.
This will make the Owners field on all Strategy Task creation screens mandatory
Makes task workflow and approvals mandatory.
Default 'Show FMECA Columns' Toggle
Toggle 'Show FMECA Columns' switchSets the default to show the FMECA Columns. 
Auto-assign App Users to a Work Order

Toggle current User being auto assigned to the Work editedAdds the current user to the crew list when starting a work order.
Work Order must have a user assigned to start
Toggle Work Orders requiring assigned Users before startingSets the requirement of an assigned user to be able to start the work order.
OnPlan App - Save to CloudEnable to stop automatic saving of work order date to the cloud (useful with unreliable internet).
Sets the default to either utilize the Save to Cloud button for manual saving or leave disabled for automatic saves.
Enable Work order Annotation Mode
Finished work orders are set to awaiting finalisation, requiring review/adding of optional notes to the work order and then "Finalise" the work order. Typically for report delivery to a customer. Overrides any site-level Work Order Approval workflow.Changes the approval workflow for site-level work orders. There is now a review step before a work order can be finalised. 
Autofill WorkOrder Description with Component Code While creating a work order, its description is auto-filled with Task Name. If enabled, the description is auto-filled with Component Code insteadChange the auto-filling of description from Task Name to Component Code. 
Service Company ModeProvides an OnPlan experience designed to help service companies perform tasks more efficiently. Allows Work Orders to have Job Steps that only have one operation. E.g. each operation can have done or not done. Goes hand in hand with the Advanced Setting "OnPlan App - Require Completion Proof".
Supervisor Dashboard Date Filter RangeSet how many days on either side of the current date to show work orders on the supervisor dashboard.The date range from todays date that the supervisor dashboard shows data for.
Deselect App "Create Defect" checkboxes by defaultWhen completing a Work Order, the "Create Defect" checkboxes for incomplete steps will default to unselected.When enabled, if a defect is raised on a Job Step, the app will automatically mark the step as not done and move onto the next step. When disabled, the user will have to click Not Done to move to the next step. 
Toggle Work Order Completion Report Public Links. Allow public access to work order completion report PDF link.Forces a user to log in before accessing a link to a WIN report. If the user is already logged in, then no log in is required. 
OnPlan App - Camera onlyDisables attaching existing photos via a device's image gallery.When a user wants to add an image on the app, they will not be asked if they would like to select a photo from the devices gallery, the app will automatically open the devices camera app to take and upload a photo.
WIN Document Status Change Request If enabled, when a user clicks Do Not Send Request button, WIN status stays the same~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OnPlan App - Auto complete stepAutomatically mark a step as "Done" upon step data entry.When data is entered into a field and that is the only data entry required, the step is complete and thus marked as done.
Pre-populate OnPlan App New DefectUses step information to pre-populate some defect fields in OnPlan AppAutomatically sets some defects based on the first 50 characters of the description of said defect. Even with setting enabled, users can remove these and add their own if they wish. 
Disable GPSIf enabled, browser won't ask for GPS locationWhen disabled, when each work order is completed and if the browser location services have been accepted, OnPlan records the location of the users device and puts it on the map. If a device/site has poor internet connectivity, this process may take some time. Thus, if there is a bad internet connection and this setting is enabled, the location will not be recorded. 
Automatic Author Details & Operation LockIf enabled, "Author" field is prefilled with the logged in user details. Also, it automatically locks all operations within the WIN Document when the status of the document changed to "Approved"When enabled, creating a new WIN will autofill the author with the logged in users details. Also, if a connected task is in two jobs and one of the jobs is marked as approved, the same task in the not-approved job will be locked. Similarly, if the non-approved job step is edited, the 'Approved' job step will move to 'In Progress'
OnPlan App - pre-cache all Work Order data Pre-cache all Work Order Data on app-load for maximum offline support.Put all data into the devices cache to work more efficiently offline.
OnPlan App - Require Completion Proof Require proof for defect completion & single-step Work Orders. Defects marked as complete will require a photo. Completing single-step Work Orders will require a photo or pdf.Photo or pdf proof required on completing a defect or a single step Work Order. 
Block New Failure Modes and Causes When this setting is enabled, rows with new Failure Modes and Causes will be ignored when importing FMECA.By default, with this setting disabled, when a FMECA is uploaded, all new Failure Modes and Causes that do not already exist in the Failure Mode and Failure Causes tables (Data Admin>FMECA>Failure Causes/Modes) will be added to those tables. With this setting enabled, only Failure Modes/Causes that already exist in their respective tables will be uploaded. If there is a Failure Mode/Cause that does not exist in the tables in Builder, then any rows in an uploaded FMECA will be ignored and not uploaded into Builder.
Abandon old Work Orders Automatically set in-progress Work Order's statuses to 'Abandoned' after a set number of weeks of inactivity When enabling this setting, the user can select after how many weeks. After this many weeks of inactivity, the work orders' status will be set to 'Abandoned'.
Only admins can edit global operationsIn the WIN builder, disable the red lock on global operations if user does not have admin permissions.Global operations have a lock on them so users cannot edit them without knowing and changing potentially thousands of work orders. With this setting enabled, this toggle switch can only be unlocked by users who have Admin privileges, otherwise they cannot unlock the win and must ask their manager for advice.
Information Only Steps Steps marked as "Information Only" will be shown in the app, but will not be completable. Some steps in a WIN may be only information and contain no actual 'step'. It will be automatically marked as